ACCIÓ Catalunya's Upcoming Events for December 2016

ACCIÓ Catalunya has a broad range of activities and events lined up for December 2016, including information and training sessions, workshops, networking events, fairs and missions.

ACCIÓ Catalunya's Upcoming Events for December 2016

Highlights include a series of workshops that will take place in Catalonia between 1 – 31 December and will address issues such as business marketing, internationalization, funding and export success, and business models.

Other activities planned for December 2016 include:

-          Business Opportunities in China: Biotechnology and Medical Technologies (Informative Session) – December 1st

-          Business with Social Value 2016 – December 1st

-          Workshop: Business Cooperation Projects in the packaging Industry – December 13th

-          iFest: Cience, Technology and Innovation – December 20th

-          Workshop: Business Cooperation Projects to access the Contract Hoteler channel – December 20th

-          Informative session: Coffee club export Pyrenees Global: What should I consider in international negotiations? - December 20th


For more information, go to